Oh, 2005… you’re on your last legs, with only three more hours to go. You were kind of an odd mis-shapen year, weren’t you?
You and I spent our first few months together entering into spiraling credit-card debt thanks to my impulsive (but never regretted) unemployment. Then I found employment, and honestly, it seems like the rest of the year has been a blur.
2005 was the year that I effectively sold my soul to the chemical comforts of TV shows on DVD and the insidious call of the DVR.
I managed to watch four seasons of Farscape, seven of Buffy, and five of Angel over the course of the year, along with any number of other shows and movies that I can’t even begin to count.
According to the program I used to track my reading habits, I read 41 books in 2005.
Six of those were audio books listened to on my iPod.
Twelve were graphic novels, although two of the ones I count (Black Hole and McSweeney’s issue 13) were longer works.
Two of the books I read (Jennifer Government and Faust Among Equals) were _awful_.
One book (The Stars My Destination) was perhaps the best book I’ve read in years, with the final Dark Tower book coming equally close for sheer emotional power.
Song of the year? “Blankest Year” by Nada Surf.
…And now it’s time for me to get my stuff together so I can head out to a party at my friends’ house. Hopefully it’ll be a good time. I need to start filling myself with resolve for the coming of 2006.