Fun with DNS

I’ve been fiddling around with a site that I found while I was trying to figure out what the fuck was wrong with my site, and I’ve found it pretty damn useful. It’s called DNS Stuff and it’s got pretty much every tool you could possibly want when managing your domain name.

I’ve been checking to see how my name-servers are performing, since and various subdomains will still occasionally claim that they cannot be found. The reason why is simple… one of the name servers that I was given to use by my hosting provider times out. Every single time. No matter what. Because of this, DNS Stuff gives my name server response an F most of the time.

Luckily, however, I remembered the username and password for my account at DNS Made Easy, and I just went in there and plugged in my ip address to their far more reliable name servers. I entered the info into my domain’s management system and hopefully it will propagate across the internet over the weekend, and my website will start being far more reliable. I removed the faulty nameserver from the listing, but because it takes a while for this information to get around, it still has the occasional issue.

It’s kind of nice, now that I think about it, that I can separate my domain name, my hosting, and my DNS all into separate entities. That way if any one of them has problems I can switch it. Right now my hosting provider is alright. None of us had anything on our sites that was unreplaceable, so it’s not a big deal that it all died.

In the future I will be backing things up more often. Although that future should probably be when I’ve finally created a full website for myself…

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